Mike Nesmith’s Many Parts

Quite Nights on the internet and sometimes you find some very cool stuff. This episode Mike Nesmith’s exploration with video and being ahead of the curve when it cans to music videos. what came of this was this projects. Elephant parts: A 1981 video album of music and comedy bits made with his Cohort director William Dear and 1985’s Television parts a 5 episode show that is somewhat a sequel to Elephants parts with more emphasis on humor using some very talented up and coming comedians of the time. here’s the playlist for all three videos: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLzG6e7tfETK-150AnID005jyGlmiQDt7g&si=_gXNY8WvYwDtGLAI

About motionpicturemassacre

a film junkie, nerd, drunkard

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